Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Word ... According to Me

There is this particular phenomenon that occurs with every new year and certainly resolutions are a part of it. The problem is, resolutions are what I call only "the tip of the iceberg". What fuels these yearly promises one makes to oneself in the heat of fervor and the fading light of the dropping ball in Times Square on tv?

I have various hypothesis generated over a few glasses of Mumm Napa Blanc de Noir sparkling wine (yes, even if it tastes much better than the stuff from France, it would be a sacrilege to call'em champagne, according to the winos ... or the oeno-whatchamacallem). Now, where was I? Yes yes - The New Year Frenzy, as I've just christianed it. Hic. (more please .... *bubbles* mmmmmm....)

As I was saying before being so pleasantly interrupted, the scenario's very easy to imagine: the holiday season comes to an abrupt, crashing close and you've barely glugged down the last gloppy drops of eggnog straight from the container whilst holding your turkey feast-greasy fingers away from you (well you ARE wearing your santa-wannabe-fuzzy-red-embroidered-with-poinsettas/santas/reindeer/anything-Christmas best outfit right??) ... post-Christmas sales are here! And so you emerge from the shopping, eating, presents, eating, shopping (and don't forget, drinking) in a near-stupor and catch sight of yourself in a mirror. Enough said.

What have I achieved this year? Anything? What have I DONE to myself?? You look in horror at the lovely outfit you've bought yourself for the New Year's Eve party & pray that it's at least 2% spandex. Even your long-suffering clothes hanger/treadmill'd probably slam itself shut on you should you try to do some last minute (oh, maybe 8 hrs worth) of reparation before the party.

So New Year's morning finds you bleary eyed, sitting at the breakfast counter with a cup of coffee, a bottle of aspirin and pen & paper. You are simply DISGUSTED at the thought of your excesses. Wielding your worthy pen you think, " ... and we shall vanquish them!" No more drinking! No more fried foods! HALF the shopping! (There is no such thing as "no more shopping") Exercise/yoga/meditate! Do charity! Why, the finest swordsmen would quail before this fine display of guts, determination and desperation.

Need I mention that most resolutions go out of style before January's halfway through? If I could gather all the loathing, self-deception and denial generated at this time of the year and turn it into energy, the earth wouldn't have to worry about depleted energy sources ever again. Hmmmm. Kinda like the river of slime fed by the negativity of populace of New York City in Ghostbusters II.

Seriously, something about new beginnings compells us to examine ourselves honestly. Stripped down to the bare bones, it is not usually a pretty picture. Too many obligations in life has stripped you the of who you are:
  • working well after you're past your last reserves of strength & patience, trying to get along with a spouse when all you want to do is wring his neck for being a selfish, insensitive & immature lout sometimes
  • trying so very hard to show your children what a loving parent looks like after work and a few tantrums between your boss and your toddler
  • being polite & loving to your mother after barely sidestepping yet another mine in the minefield of your relationship
  • and your in laws ...
where has that sweet, loving, trusting, unerringly honest size 6 individual gone? Comforted by white lies, food, tv and teethgriting holding back of self, the individual is no longer ... or at least it is almost impossible to identify'em in the mirror under all those layers of fat, guilt, denial, unhappiness & anger.

What would happen if we allowed ourselves to live honestly? To freely say what we feel, do what we'd like to when we'd like to, love whom we want to and sleep as much as we need to - what a life huh? Perhaps that should be our one vital resolution, to be ourselves, our true selves.


Blogger Unknown said...

What would happen if we allowed ourselves to live honestly? I'll tell you what: we'll have those most closely related to us whining, "But what about me?? You didnt say what I wanted to hear or do what I wanted!"

And we know exactly who would start that ball rolling ;)

6:57 AM  

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